Terrorism Assistance
It is an offence to obstruct a terrorist search and investigation. They are subject to imprisonment on summary conviction of imprisonment up to three months or a fine at level 4.
It is an offence to fail to comply with a notice given by a police officer of the rank of at least superintendent to give an explanation in relation to material seized. That is subject to imprisonment of up to six months and a fine not exceeding level 5.
It is an offence for a person to publish a statement which is likely to be understood by some or all of the members of the public to whom it is published as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement for them to commit, prepare or instigate acts of terrorism. If the intent or is reckless, that where the members of the public would be so encouraged or induced.
Such statements include statements glorifying the commission or preparation in the past or generally of such terrorist acts and the statement as such from which members of the public are reasonably expected to infer that what is being glorified is being glorified as conduct that should be emulated by them in existing circumstances.
The person is liable on conviction to imprisonment of up to seven years or a fine above on summary conviction up to 12 months, or fine to the statutory maximum.
It is an offence intentionally or recklessly to establish or circulate a terrorist publication give, sell or lend a terrorist publication, offer such publication for sale, provide services for others which enables them to obtain, read, listen or look at such publication or acquire it. Transmit the content of such publication electronically, or have such a publication among the possession with a view to coming the subject of conduct above.
A terrorist publication is one which is likely to be understood by some or all persons to whom it is available as a direct or indirect encouragement or other inducement to commission, prepare or instigate acts of terrorism, or maybe used in the commission or preparation of such acts. Encouraging the commission of terrorism includes acts relating to the glorification of terrorism as above.
It is an offence to conduct preparations to commit or assist another in committing terrorist acts. The acts may relate to one or more protected acts of terrorism, or acts of terrorism of a protected description, or acts of terrorism generally.
It is an offence to provide instruction or training in certain skills set out below. If the person knows that it’s intended by the recipient that the skills be used in connection with the commission or preparation of acts of terrorism. It’s an offence to receive such training.
People — skills relate to handling, making of a noxious substance, or the use of any technique which is capable of being done for the purpose of terrorism and the design or application for the purpose of terrorism, any method or technique of doing anything. The offence is subject to conviction on indictment or imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of summary conviction up to six months in prison.
It is an offence to attend any place whether in the United Kingdom or otherwise for the purpose of terrorist training. The offence is committed if the person knows or could not have failed to know that the purpose of the training was for terrorist purposes. The offence applies equally to the person being trained and is giving the training.
It is an offence to collect or make records of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism or to possess a document or record containing information of that kind. It is a defence to prove the person had a reasonable excuse for his action or such possession; the articles may be forfeited. The offence is subject on conviction on indictment to imprisonment up to 10 years or, on summary conviction, six months.
It is an offence to incite a terrorist crime outside the United Kingdom consisting of murder, wounding, grievous bodily harm with intent, administering poison, causing injury by gunpowder or explosive, or endangering life by damaging properties. Penalty is the same as for the principal offence incited.